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RF-PAIT Height Analysis

F-PAIT Height Analysis

RF-PAIT can perform a height analysis of RF propagation over terrain in which the coverage for various antenna heights is computed and displayed. In the following screen shots, the area displayed is Goldan Colorado. The antenna height is changed from 1m to 6m and 11m. The white areas are locations which have coverage. The green areas are for the 6m antenna height. The red areas are for 11m height. The black areas are where there is no coverage for either heights.

For results on a larger scale see the results for Florida.

Note 1:
The coverge is based on a loss threshold of 100dB for illustration. As the system parameters such as transmit power, receiver sensitivity change the threshold will also change leading to greater or lesser coverage.

Note 2:
The system can be scaled to larger areas and antenna heights for aircraft.

Note 3:
Grids and other information (including display in other units) can be added to the coverage maps as desired.

Individual coverage plots for the three antenna heights.


Credits: Tower AdobeStock 92633058. Banner AdobeStock 108624876
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